Thursday, April 24, 2008

2nd Year of Architecture

Currently, I'm having a much-needed 1 week mid-term break.
2nd year is tougher than 1st year i must say. I have more sleepless nights than I did last year. It's only 1st half of the semester. 1st HALF OF SEMESTER and they were only minor projects -_-
I have more major projects after the break.

By the way, I would like to show you guys my 1st and 2nd studio projects.

Project 1

In architecture, the simplest project is actually the hardest.
The project was about reusing a site where there was a house sitting on it decades ago. What's left now is only the base of the house.
The project was also about 90% site and 10% architecture which means the existing base should be left untouched and how architecture and the site could be integrated to enhance 'connected-ness' between people and landscape (this was the hardest part).
What added to the difficulties of this project were the considerations of the history context of the site, the geometry of the landscape and the sunlight and wind direction. All these elements should be combined and celebrated in the design.
Honestly, I didn't do quite well in it. What was missing is the connection between the design and the site.
I got only 10/15 and im not satisfy with it.

Perspective drawings of the site

Plan of the site that shows the existing base

Plan of my design

Sections of the site

One of the huge rocks found at the site

Timber Bridge I designed to connect 2 areas separated by the river

Concrete blocks and steels of old building (to bring back the history of the site)

My simple and small timber shelter

My sitting platforms on the huge rocks

Thats it for my 1st small studio project.
Believe it or not, they were all hand-drawn by myself...

Believe it.

I haven't sorted out the pictures for my 2nd project. So stay tune for the upcoming post.

Have a nice day everyone.

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